Congresses Extends Government Funding Through Dec. 20

Medicaid, Medicare, September 30, 2024


Congresses Extends Government Funding Through Dec. 20-Congress successfully passed a continuing resolution (H.R.9747) extending government funding through December 20. The measure, which maintains funding at current levels, passed the Senate by a vote of 78-18 on Wednesday, after the House advanced the bill by a vote of 341-82 earlier in the day. Following passage of the stopgap spending bill, Congress recessed early to return to the campaign trail. Lawmakers are scheduled to return to Capitol Hill after the election on November 12. While House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has offered assurances that Congress will not rely on an end of year omnibus bill this year, some congressional appropriators have expressed skepticism about being able to avoid a large spending package. Lawmakers are scheduled to be in session for a short five-week lame duck period ahead of the December 20 deadline.




House Passes Slate of Health Care Legislation-The House of Representatives passed a number of bipartisan health care related bills last week, setting them up for further action by the Senate or possible inclusion in an end of year package:

  • R.3433, Give Kids a Chance Act of 2024
  • R.2706, Charlotte Woodward Organ Transplant Discrimination Prevention Act
  • R.3884, Sickle Cell Disease and Other Heritable Blood Disorders Research, Surveillance, Prevention, and Treatment Act of 2023
  • R.8108, To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to add a Medicaid State plan requirement with respect to the determination of residency of certain individuals serving in the Armed Forces
  • R.6829, Cardiomyopathy Health Education, Awareness, and Research, and AED Training in the Schools (HEARTS) Act of 2024
  • R.5526, Seniors’ Access to Critical Medications Act of 2024


The chamber also passed three bills that previously passed the Senate and will now be sent to the President for his signature: S.1549, Congressional Budget Office Data Access Act, S.134, Alzheimer’s Accountability and Investment Act, S.133, National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA) Reauthorization Action.



Congress Passes Congenital Heart Disease Research Bill-The House and Senate passed legislation (H.R.7189) last week reauthorizing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s congenital heart disease research program through fiscal year 2029. The Congenital Heart Futures Reauthorization Act of 2024 passed the chamber by unanimous consent. The bill will now be sent to the President’s desk for his signature.



Senate Votes to Hold Steward CEO in Criminal Contempt-The Senate voted last week to hold the CEO of Steward Health Care in criminal contempt for his failure to comply with the Health, Education, Labor, and Pension Committee’s subpoena to appear before the panel and testify about the company’s bankruptcy. The resolution passed via unanimous consent. It is the first time in 50 years the Senate has passed a resolution to hold someone in criminal contempt. As a result of the vote, Dr. Ralph de la Torre will be referred for criminal prosecution to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.



Senate GOP Blocks Consideration of Emergency Abortion Bill-Senate Republicans blocked consideration of a resolution (S. Res.828) last week expressing the sense of the Senate that every patient has the right to emergency health care, including abortion care. The vote on the resolution, introduced by Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), is a part of Senate Democrats’ effort to highlight Republicans’ stance on issues related to reproductive rights ahead of the November elections. In related news, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) has sent letters to eight hospitals regarding their compliance with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA). Wyden cites reports of cases in which the hospitals have refused to provide, or delayed, emergency abortion care to patients. The hospitals are all located in states with narrow bans on abortion.



Doc Caucus Details Year-End Priorities-The House GOP Doctors Caucus is prioritizing inclusion of policies championed by retiring members Brad Wenstrup, DPM (Ohio), Michael Burgess, MD (Texas), and Larry Bucshon, MD (Ind.) in a year-end health package. The key pieces of legislation include the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act (H.R.5378), the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (H.R.4818), the Preventive Health Savings Act (H.R.766), and the Improving Senior’s Timely Access to Care Act (H.R.8702). During a recent Doc Caucus policy forum, the lawmakers predicted that an impeding 2.8% Medicare physician reimbursement cut would be averted by a short-term fix but acknowledged the need for long-term reform that could include an inflationary payment update and increase the budget-neutrality threshold. Looking forward to the 119th Congress, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, MD (R-Iowa) stated that the caucus would continue its work to put “patients first, not insurance companies, not pharmaceutical companies, not pharmacy benefit managers.”




Senators Urge Leadership to Act to Extend Telehealth Flexibilities-A bipartisan group of senators have sent a letter to Senate leadership urging them to act quickly to preserve patient access to telehealth flexibilities first instituted in response to the COVID pandemic. “If budget constraints make permanent policy out of reach, given the significant costs required to ramp up and provide high quality telehealth programs, Congress must provide the maximum extension possible at an adequate length for providers to make necessary investments,” Sens. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), and Mark Warner (D-Va.) write. The letter also endorses payment parity between in-person and virtual care for federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics. Relatedly, Sen. Warner and Rep. Doris Matsui (D-Calif.) have confirmed that they are working to draft legislation that extends flexibilities around the prescribing of controlled substances via telemedicine. The lawmakers have expressed concerns about recent reporting around a forthcoming regulation from the Drug Enforcement Administration that may restrict access to certain treatments without an in-person patient visit to the prescriber.




Democrats Probe Weight Loss Drug Pricing-The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee released a majority staff report last week titled “Novo Nordisk’s Untenable Drug Pricing Strategy in America: Greed, Greed, Greed.” The report compares Novo Nordisk’s claims regarding its pricing strategy to information provided by health insurance plans and other stakeholders in the supply chain, concluding that the high prices of Ozempic and Wegovy cannot be justified by the need to fund future R&D and that Novo Nordisk’s high prices in the U.S. stem from “excessive corporate greed.” The report was released in conjunction with the Committee’s hearing on the price of Ozempic and Wegovy during which the panel heard testimony from Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard Jorgensen. Jorgensen defended his company’s pricing methodology, arguing that lowering the list prices of Ozempic and Wegovy could make them harder to access because of the way the U.S. health care system is structured. The HELP majority staff report includes letters from the nation’s largest pharmacy benefit managers, who pledge that a list price reduction would not negatively impact formulary placement for Ozempic and Wegovy.


In related news, a bicameral group of Democrats have sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) urging Secretary Xavier Becerra to issue generic licenses for semaglutide, the active ingredient in weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy. The lawmakers argue that the government “has the clear authority to license generic competition on any patented invention used or manufactured by or for the United States” under its competitive licensing authority at 28 U.S.C. Section 1498. “You have the opportunity and responsibility to dramatically improve health care access and achieve substantial taxpayer savings by using Section 1498 to authorize generic competitors to Ozempic and Wegovy,” the letter states. “We strongly urge you to use your clear statutory authority and stand ready to assist in your efforts to deliver long overdue relief to American taxpayers and consumers.”




Wenstrup Issues Medical Supply Chain RFI-Reps. Brad Wenstrup DPM, (R-Ohio), Blake Moore (R-Utah), and August Pfluger (R-Texas) are requesting information on policies to secure and enhance domestic medical supply chains. The request for information (RFI) highlights the need for U.S. supply chains to be free from dependency on foreign adversaries as well as from foreign adversary interference and manipulation and solicits feedback on how Congress can better ensure the nation’s safety and security through strengthening U.S. medical supply chains. Responses should be submitted by October 4 to [email protected].



Congressional Retirements and Resignations-A running list of members of Congress who are retiring or seeking other office can be found below.


Stabenow (D), MI Braun (R), IN
Cardin (D), MD Romney (R), UT
Carper (D), DE
Butler (D), CA
Manchin (D), WV
Sinema (I), AZ
Menendez (D), NJ (effective Aug. 20, 2024)
Porter (D), CA Mooney (R), WV
Lee (D), CA Banks (R), IN
Gallego (D), AZ Bishop (R), NC
Schiff (D), CA Lesko (R), AZ
Slotkin (D), MI Granger (R), TX
Allred (D), TX Burgess, MD (R), TX
Trone (D), MD Wenstrup, DPM (R), OH
Blunt Rochester (D), DE McHenry (R), NC
Napolitano (D), CA Ferguson, IV, DMD, PC (R), GA
Wexton (D), VA Curtis (R), UT
Kim, Andy (D), NJ Luetkemeyer (R), MO
Jackson, Jeff (D), NC Lamborn (R), CO
Sarbanes (D), MD Bucshon, MD (R), IN
Blumenauer (D), OR Pence (R), IN
Kilmer (D), WA Duncan (R), SC
Spanberger (D), VA Armstrong (R), ND
Kildee (D), MI McMorris Rodgers (R), WA
Phillips (D), MN Gallagher (R), WI (effective April 19, 2024)
Cardenas (D), CA Rosendale (R), MT
Eshoo (D), CA Carl (R), AL
Manning (D), NC LaTurner (R), KS
Nickel (D), NC Posey (R), FL
Sablan (D), MP González-Colón (R), PR
Ruppersberger (D), MD Graves (R), LA
Kuster (D), NH Good (R), VA
Bowman (D), NY
Bush (D), MO
Payne (D), NJ (died April 24, 2024)
Jackson Lee (D), TX (died July 19, 2024)
Pascrell (D), NJ (died Aug. 21, 2024)


Recently Introduced Health Legislation

H.Res.1479-Expressing support for the goals and ideas of “National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month” and “World Hydrocephalus Day”; Sponsor: Smith, Christopher H. [Rep.-R-NJ-4]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.Res.1481-Expressing support for the recognition of September 2024 as “National Children’s Emotional Wellness Month” and for increased public awareness regarding children’s emotional health and wellness; Sponsor: Kim, Young [Rep.-R-CA-40]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.R.9720-To direct the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology to update the national vulnerability database to reflect vulnerabilities to artificial intelligence systems, study the need for voluntary reporting related to artificial intelligence security and safety incidents, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Ross, Deborah K. [Rep.-D-NC-2]; Committees: House-Science, Space, and Technology


H.R.9737-To improve the tracking and processing of security and safety incidents and risks associated with artificial intelligence, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Ross, Deborah K. [Rep.-D-NC-2]; Committees: House-Science, Space, and Technology; Homeland Security; Intelligence (Permanent Select); Education and the Workforce


H.R.9740-To direct the Secretary of Defense to increase the maximum amount of contraceptive supplies provided to a beneficiary through the TRICARE Program; Sponsor: Sherrill, Mikie [Rep.-D-NJ-11]; Committees: House-Armed Services


H.R.9741-To direct the Secretary of Defense to ensure that beneficiaries and health care providers receive certain information regarding reproductive health care under the TRICARE program; Sponsor: Sherrill, Mikie [Rep.-D-NJ-11]; Committees: House-Armed Services


S.Res.837-An original resolution authorizing the President of the Senate to certify the report of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate regarding the refusal of Dr. Ralph de la Torre to appear and testify before the Committee; Sponsor: Sanders, Bernard [Sen.-I-VT]; Committees: Senate-Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


S.Res.840-A resolution supporting the designation of the week of September 15 through September 21, 2024, as “Telehealth Awareness Week”; Sponsor: Schatz, Brian [Sen.-D-HI]; Latest Action: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.


S.Res.841-A resolution designating September 2024 as “National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month”; Sponsor: Manchin, Joe, III [Sen.-I-WV]; Latest Action: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.


S.5141-A bill to provide for health coverage with no cost-sharing for additional breast screenings for certain individuals at greater risk for breast cancer; Sponsor: Klobuchar, Amy [Sen.-D-MN]; Committees: Senate-Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


S.5142-A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to the national program for traumatic brain injury surveillance and registries; Sponsor: Helmy, George S. [Sen.-D-NJ]; Committees: Senate-Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


H.Con.Res.129-Supporting the designation of the week of September 22 through September 28, 2024, as “National Fall Prevention Awareness Week” to raise awareness about, and encourage the prevention of, falls among older adults; Sponsor: Frankel, Lois [Rep.-D-FL-22]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.R.9747-Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025; Sponsor: Cole, Tom [Rep.-R-OK-4]; Committees: House-Appropriations; Budget


S.Res.846-A resolution commemorating the 30th anniversary of the eradication of wild poliovirus from the Americas; Sponsor: Durbin, Richard J. [Sen.-D-IL]; Committees: Senate-Foreign Relations


S.5146-A bill to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to schools of medicine or osteopathic medicine at historically Black colleges and universities and other minority-serving institutions for the purpose of increasing enrollment of medical students; Sponsor: Sanders, Bernard [Sen.-I-VT]; Committees: Senate-Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


S.5150-A bill to require the Federal Trade Commission, with the concurrence of the Secretary of Health and Human Services acting through the Surgeon General, to implement a mental health warning label on social media platforms, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Britt, Katie Boyd [Sen.-R-AL]; Committees: Senate-Commerce, Science, and Transportation


S.5153-A bill to amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to modify the definition of hemp, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Paul, Rand [Sen.-R-KY]; Committees: Senate-Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry


S.5154-A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to clarify payment rules for manual wheelchairs under part B of the Medicare program; Sponsor: Blackburn, Marsha [Sen.-R-TN]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5163-A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide an income tax credit for eldercare expenses; Sponsor: Klobuchar, Amy [Sen.-D-MN]; Committees: Senate-Finance


H.Res.1494-Recognizing the threat of air pollution and extreme heat to maternal and infant health, and expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that meaningful interventions must be rapidly and equitably developed and deployed to address the unique vulnerabilities of pregnancy in Latino communities; Sponsor: Barragán, Nanette Diaz [Rep.-D-CA-44]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.Res.1495-Expressing support for the designation of September 2024 as “Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month” in order to educate communities across the United States about sickle cell disease and the need for research, early detection methods, effective treatments, and preventative care programs with respect to complications from sickle cell disease and conditions related to sickle cell disease; Sponsor: Davis, Danny K. [Rep.-D-IL-7]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.R.9773-To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Underwood, Lauren [Rep.-D-IL-14]; Committees: House-Veterans’ Affairs


H.R.9774-To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to expand eligibility for the refundable credit for coverage under a qualified health plan; Sponsor: Underwood, Lauren [Rep.-D-IL-14]; Committees: House-Ways and Means


H.R.9778-To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to include penicillin allergy verification and evaluation as part of the initial preventive physical examination under the Medicare program; Sponsor: Bucshon, Larry [Rep.-R-IN-8]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce; Ways and Means


H.R.9782-To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to study and report on the relationship between hair straighteners and uterine cancer, particularly among women of color; Sponsor: Clarke, Yvette D. [Rep.-D-NY-9]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.R.9785-To require the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to submit to Congress an annual report on biomedical research funded by the United States and performed in China; Sponsor: Langworthy, Nicholas A. [Rep.-R-NY-23]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce; Agriculture


H.R.9790-To amend the Controlled Substances Act to provide for the regulation of critical parts of tableting machines and encapsulating machines, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Stansbury, Melanie A. [Rep.-D-NM-1]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce; Judiciary


S.Res.861-A resolution expressing support for the designation of September 2024 as “Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month” in order to educate communities across the United States about sickle cell disease and the need for research, early detection methods, effective treatments, and preventative care programs with respect to complications from sickle cell disease and conditions related to sickle cell disease; Sponsor: Scott, Tim [Sen.-R-SC]; Committees: Senate-Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


S.Res.867-A resolution designating September 2024 as “National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month”; Sponsor: Rubio, Marco [Sen.-R-FL]; Committees: Senate-Judiciary


S.5164-A bill to extend the temporary scheduling order for fentanyl-related substances; Sponsor: Grassley, Chuck [Sen.-R-IA]; Committees: Senate-Judiciary


S.5173-A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for the treatment of critical access hospital services furnished by a critical access hospital located in a noncontiguous State; Sponsor: Sullivan, Dan [Sen.-R-AK]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5180-A bill to amend subtitle A of title XX of the Social Security Act to fund additional projects that focus on competency-based training for personal or home care aides, and for other purposes; Sponsor: King, Angus S., Jr. [Sen.-I-ME]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5182-A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to require the collection of information regarding social determinants of health, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Sullivan, Dan [Sen.-R-AK]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5184-A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to establish a floor on payments to sole community hospitals located in a non-contiguous State under the hospital outpatient prospective payment system; Sponsor: Sullivan, Dan [Sen.-R-AK]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5189-A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to waive certain distance requirements for certain hospitals electing to be designated as critical access hospitals; Sponsor: Fischer, Deb [Sen.-R-NE]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5194-A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to expand eligibility for the refundable credit for coverage under a qualified health plan; Sponsor: Shaheen, Jeanne [Sen.-D-NH]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5203-A bill to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to issue guidance on best practices for screening and treatment of congenital syphilis under Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Heinrich, Martin [Sen.-D-NM]; Committees: Senate-Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


S.5206-A bill to require a report on foreign investment in the pharmaceutical industry of the United States; Sponsor: Warren, Elizabeth [Sen.-D-MA]; Committees: Senate-Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs


S.5210-A bill to improve mental health services of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Tester, Jon [Sen.-D-MT]; Committees: Senate-Veterans’ Affairs


S.5217-A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to eliminate cost-sharing requirements for behavioral health care under TRICARE Reserve Select; Sponsor: Fetterman, John [Sen.-D-PA]; Committees: Senate-Armed Services


S.5218-A bill to amend titles XI and XVIII of the Social Security Act to strengthen, increase oversight of, and compliance with, security standards for health information, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Wyden, Ron [Sen.-D-OR]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5222-A bill to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to implement a pandemic preparedness and response program using artificial intelligence; Sponsor: Rounds, Mike [Sen.-R-SD]; Committees: Senate-Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


S.5226-A bill to establish a program to address sickle cell disease and other heritable hemoglobinopathies; Sponsor: Van Hollen, Chris [Sen.-D-MD]; Committees: Senate-Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


S.5228-A bill to require the use of prescription drug monitoring programs; Sponsor: Klobuchar, Amy [Sen.-D-MN]; Committees: Senate-Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


S.5236-A bill to amend titles XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act to enhance financial support for rural and safety net hospitals providing maternity, labor, and delivery services to vulnerable populations, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Wyden, Ron [Sen.-D-OR]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5243-A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide for the regulation of cannabis and cannabinoid products, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Wyden, Ron [Sen.-D-OR]; Committees: Senate-Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


S.5248-A bill to require hospitals participating in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program to inquire whether a patient is a citizen or national of the United States, or in a satisfactory immigration status, as part of the patient admission and registration process, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Lee, Mike [Sen.-R-UT]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5255-A bill to require the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to submit to Congress an annual report on biomedical research funded by the United States and performed in China; Sponsor: Ernst, Joni [Sen.-R-IA]; Committees: Senate-Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs


S.5260-A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to make certain information available on a public website relating to intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities certified for participation under the Medicaid program, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Kelly, Mark [Sen.-D-AZ]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5262-A bill to address maternity care shortages and promote optimal maternity outcomes by expanding access to birth centers and exploring more effective payment models for birth center care, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Lujan, Ben Ray [Sen.-D-NM]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5269-A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a commission to review operations at the Veterans Health Administration and submit to Congress reports with respect to that review, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Cassidy, Bill [Sen.-R-LA]; Committees: Senate-Veterans’ Affairs


S.5271-A bill to require the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration to temporarily exempt buprenorphine from the Suspicious Orders Report System for the remainder of the opioid public health emergency; Sponsor: Heinrich, Martin [Sen.-D-NM]; Committees: Senate-Judiciary


S.5275-A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to facilitate patient access to certain pediatric technologies; Sponsor: Blackburn, Marsha [Sen.-R-TN]; Committees: Senate-Finance


S.5278-A bill to provide additional authorities for the leadership of the United States Agency for International Development in health technology innovation for global health in low-resource settings, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Booker, Cory A. [Sen.-D-NJ]; Committees: Senate-Foreign Relations


S.5279-A bill to require the head of each agency to establish a plan relating to the safety of Federal employees and contractors physically present at certain worksites during a nationwide public health emergency declared for an infectious disease, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Warner, Mark R. [Sen.-D-VA]; Committees: Senate-Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs


H.Res.1502-Expressing support for the designation of October 1, 2024, as “National Latino Physician Day”; Sponsor: Caraveo, Yadira [Rep.-D-CO-8]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.Res.1505-Expressing support for the designation of September 2024 as “National Polycystic Kidney Disease Awareness Month”, and raising awareness and understanding of polycystic kidney disease; Sponsor: Cleaver, Emanuel [Rep.-D-MO-5]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.Res.1508-Supporting the designation of September 2024 as “National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month”; Sponsor: DeLauro, Rosa L. [Rep.-D-CT-3]; Committees: House-Oversight and Accountability


H.Res.1511-Expressing support for the designation of September 2024 as “National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month”; Sponsor: Hunt, Wesley [Rep.-R-TX-38]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.Res.1514-Recognizing that cancer patients have the right to receive care that ensures effective prevention, early diagnosis, improved outcomes, optimal patient rehabilitation, and affordable health care; Sponsor: Napolitano, Grace F. [Rep.-D-CA-31]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.Res.1518-Supporting the goals and ideals of “Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) Awareness Day”; Sponsor: Valadao, David G. [Rep.-R-CA-22]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.R.9796-To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to jointly award grants for the purposes of improving access to, developing, or expanding services that provide an individual with transportation to or from substance use disorder treatment or supportive services; Sponsor: Bonamici, Suzanne [Rep.-D-OR-1]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce; Financial Services


H.R.9802-To amend title XI of the Social Security Act to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to verify whether a health care provider is licensed in good standing before issuing the provider a unique health identifier, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Bean, Aaron [Rep.-R-FL-4]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce; Ways and Means


H.R.9803-To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to ensure the integrity of hospice care furnished under the Medicare program, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Blumenauer, Earl [Rep.-D-OR-3]; Committees: House-Ways and Means; Energy and Commerce


H.R.9805-To require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish a process to expand access to claims data under certain Federal health plans in order to facilitate research and quality improvement; Sponsor: Bucshon, Larry [Rep.-R-IN-8]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce; Ways and Means


H.R.9807-To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize a grant program to provide surge capacity for providers faced with increased unmet need for contraceptive care; Sponsor: Caraveo, Yadira [Rep.-D-CO-8]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.R.9812-To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to States to establish, increase the availability of, and improve access to, qualified health care programs to increase and strengthen the health care workforce in such States; Sponsor: Comer, James [Rep.-R-KY-1]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce; Ways and Means


H.R.9813-To require the head of each agency to establish a plan relating to the safety of Federal employees and contractors physically present at certain worksites during a nationwide public health emergency declared for an infectious disease, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Connolly, Gerald E. [Rep.-D-VA-11]; Committees: House-Oversight and Accountability; Budget


H.R.9817-To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, to update and clarify its rule on substances generally recognized as safe, and for other purposes; Sponsor: DeLauro, Rosa L. [Rep.-D-CT-3]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.R.9823-To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to waive certain distance requirements for certain hospitals electing to be designated as critical access hospitals; Sponsor: Flood, Mike [Rep.-R-NE-1]; Committees: House-Ways and Means


H.R.9828-To amend the Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Gosar, Paul A. [Rep.-R-AZ-9]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.R.9840-To prohibit life insurance providers from discriminating based on a person’s status as a living kidney donor, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Lawler, Michael [Rep.-R-NY-17]; Committees: House-Financial Services


H.R.9842-To amend the Public Health Service Act to maintain the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Miller, Carol D. [Rep.-R-WV-1]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.R.9849-To amend the Public Health Service Act to address the shortage of medical laboratory personnel, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Ross, Deborah K. [Rep.-D-NC-2]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


H.R.9855-To amend title 38, United States Code, to modify authorities relating to the collective bargaining of employees in the Veterans Health Administration; Sponsor: Takano, Mark [Rep.-D-CA-39]; Committees: House-Veterans’ Affairs


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